Renée Stone - Renée Stone 1. Murder in Abyssinia icon-player

Renée Stone - Renée Stone 1. Murder in Abyssinia icon-player

T1 Renée Stone

Birmant Julie & Oubrerie Clément 64 pages
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Tome Renée Stone 1. Murder in Abyssinia icon-link-to-serie Voir toute la série
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Toute la série - 3 tomes $26.97
Format numérique
$8.99 -Ajouter au panier
Format numérique
Toute la série - 3 tomes $26.97
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Toute la série - 3 tomes $26.97

Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

Renée Stone is a successful English mystery novelist and an independent free spirit. In this first book of the series, she finds herself in Ethiopia for the coronation of Haile Selassie I in 1930.... En lire plus


  • 1/3

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  • 14/02/2019



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"Renée Stone" is writ­ten by Julie Birmant, with artwork by Cl­ément Oubrerie. It's a story set in 1930 in Abyssinia (prese­nt-day Ethiopia). Wr­iter Renée Stone is present for the coro­nation ceremony for emperor Haile Selass­ie, she befriends an archeologist and th­ey both start looking into the mysterious death of his fathe­r. I found this to be a pleasant story. It has a lot of char­m, with quirky dialo­gue and eccentric ch­aracters. The plot could have been bette­r, it's a bit convol­uted.... En lire plus
Sa note:
Murder in Abyssinia is the first part of a murder-mystery starring the no-nonsense novelist Renée Stone, the high-strung epigraphist John Malowan and the dashing adventurer Alfred Thezinger. Writer Julie Birmant and artist Clément Oubrerie have previously worked together on biographical comics about Isadora Duncan and Pablo Picasso, and their penchant for the past is apparent in this delightful mix of fact and fiction. The story has a historical jumping-off point: in 1868 the Abyssinian... En lire plus

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