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$11.99 Format numérique
$11.99 -Ajouter au panier
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$11.99 Brunehilde is a wolf-charmer.When her travels take her to a remote valley in southern France, she is horrified to discover famine, pestilence, and mass deforestation. Worse still, children are being...
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"Have pity, Lord!" "There, there… Do not fear. Only you can swell our ranks with soldiers. You can sense when a soul is pure." /
A mysterious killer, haunted by heavenly visions, roams free and kills children, while frightened villagers blame wild animals in the forests besieged by axes and flames. /
"Your daughter will be a link between men and nature, so that we do not forget where we came from." /
A mysterious girl who talks to wolves, sees things unseen and heals the wounds of flesh and...
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