The Dream Factory - The Dream Factory Book 1 icon-player

The Dream Factory - The Dream Factory Book 1 icon-player

T1 The Dream Factory

Goum & Boriau David 63 pages
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Toute la série - 1 tome $5.99
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Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

Living with narcolepsy is no picnic. Andy falls asleep everywhere, all the time, especially at the most critical moments. But one day, his condition gives him the opportunity to discover The Dream... En lire plus


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  • 30/08/2023



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Sa note:
Andy falls asleep everywhere - in class, while waiting for the bus, while eating, and even… while riding his skateboard. Needless to say, that's very funny for the others, and not fun at all for him. And yet, he’s tired all the time - because his sleep is haunted by weird dreams with shadows in spacesuits hunting him… Until one night, when he dreams of being a rock star - and uses his newfound confidence to turn the tables on the shadows and hunt them to their base: The Dream Factory, a place... En lire plus

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