Hearts of Steel - Hearts of Steel 1. Debree, Cyrano, and Me icon-player

Hearts of Steel - Hearts of Steel 1. Debree, Cyrano, and Me icon-player

T1 Hearts of Steel

Béka & Munuera Jose Luis 73 pages
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Tome Hearts of Steel 1. Debree, Cyrano, and Me icon-link-to-serie Voir toute la série
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Toute la série - 1 tome $8.99
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Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

In a steampunk world where humans live surrounded by robot servants, young Isea prefers to take refuge in Cyrano de Bergerac, a movie recommended to her by her only friend, Tal, whom Isea has only... En lire plus


  • 1/1

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  • 28/06/2023



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Sa note:
An excellent non-alcoholic cocktail (for kids, of course...) of "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" (Mark Twain), "Cyrano de Bergerac" (Edmond Rostand) and "Underground Railroad" (Colson Whitehead), with a few spoonfuls of H.C. Andersen and Brothers Grimm to spice things up. José Luis Munuera's art is magnificent, and the sober coloring works wonderfully in this retro-futuristic universe, a sort of pre-Secessionist South where electricity, the Internet, handheld computers and robots of all... En lire plus

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