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$21.97 Format numérique
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$21.97 Vesper, the Amazon of the Knights of Nyx, is a formidable warrior versed in the practice of Etheric magic. She uses her talents in the service of Prince Crimson Nyx, with whom she shares the dream of...
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In this series we're introduced to Vesper and Prince Crimson Nyx, who seek to establish a kingdom of their own. Vesper and Crimson are hired by the Ekklesians and Sylvaestrians to fight a Soraji invasion. But when the mission is accomplished Vesper becomes persecuted instead of rewarded. I enjoyed this book. There are no dull moments, it's entertaining all the way through. I can't say I totally understand all the intricacies of this world and it's inhabitants, not much time is spent on...
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