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$23.96 Format numérique
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$23.96 During the 1851 Great Exhibition in London, two women's lives become irrevocably intertwined when they both fall victim to a nefarious underground fraternity of ex-soldiers from England's upper crust...
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SHI, vol 1 is written by Zidrou, with artwork by Homs. An attack against a present day weapons manufacturer traces back to Great Britain in 1851, where a peculiar Japanese woman appears on the first Great Exhibition. I liked this book. It definitely has an innovative idea and subject matter. The dialogue is also very good, Zidrou clearly has a great talent for language. The story flows along at a steady speed, although it takes a little to long to get to the final point of the book. The pace...
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“In the beginning, there was fury”. Shi is the Kanji symbol of death. It is also the signature of a criminal organisation, a nebula solely made up of women, a secret society of angry mothers and revenge-seeking petticoat vigilantes. In modern day London, Lionel Barrington, the CEO of a smart anti-personnel mine producing company, faces justice two ways: the Court of Appeal dismisses a lawsuit trying to hold him responsible for the death of a young boy just hours before his own child and...
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