The Summer of Irreverence - The summer of irreverence - Volume 1 icon-player

The Summer of Irreverence - The summer of irreverence - Volume 1 icon-player

T1 The Summer of Irreverence

Rubén Pellejero & Denis Lapière 55 pages
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Tome The summer of irreverence - Volume 1 icon-link-to-serie Voir toute la série
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Toute la série - 2 tomes $17.98
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$8.99 -Ajouter au panier
Format numérique
Toute la série - 2 tomes $17.98
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Toute la série - 2 tomes $17.98

Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

Mexico, August 1923. Edward Weston has just abandoned his wife and children and joined his mistress Tina Modotti. Daughter of Italian emigrants, Tina started out on a career as a Hollywood actress... En lire plus


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  • 10/02/2016



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The Summer of Irreverence is written by Denis Lapière, the artwork is done by Rubén Pellejero. It's a book about love and politics in Mexico in the 1920:s. I felt the story didn't reach all the way. For me, there wasn't enough drama and intrigue to keep me hooked. The convervations about politics, love and art gave the book a certain depth, but it didn't propel the story forward. There simply isn't much of a plot to be found in this book, it's more about the emotional and political atmosphere... En lire plus
Sa note:
“We were living an enchanted parenthesis, a kind of endless summer, between two bloody revolutions”. Tina Modotti, “The Photographer whose life was as epic as her pictures”, has recently written María Isabel Carrasco Cara Chards in Beautiful and advocating free love in the conservative Mexican society of the 1920s, intensely attracting Diego Rivera and intensely attracted to Frida Kahlo, at the heart of society with her life and soul-capturing photography and yet at the... En lire plus

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