Hedge Fund - Hedge Fund 1. Money Men icon-player

Hedge Fund - Hedge Fund 1. Money Men icon-player

T1 Hedge Fund

Hénaff Patrick & Sabbah Philippe & Tristan Roulot 60 pages
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$5.99 Format numérique
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$5.99 Format numérique
Toute la série - 6 tomes $35.94
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Toute la série - 6 tomes $35.94
Format numérique
$5.99 -Ajouter au panier
Format numérique
Toute la série - 6 tomes $35.94
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Toute la série - 6 tomes $35.94

Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

Frank Carvale is arrogant, ambitious, and willing to do anything it takes to get ahead. He's clever, too, but maybe not as clever as he thinks. A chance meeting with a magnate in Hong Kong could... En lire plus


  • 1/6

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  • 17/07/2019



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Hedge Fund, vol 1 is written by Tristan Roulot and Philippe Sabbah, with art by Patrick Hénaff, and colors by Christian Lerolle Poupart and Le Moal. It's a story about a young french man in Hong Kong working his way up the ladder of the financial industry. I'm a bit torn about this book, there are pros and cons. It has a good structure that propels the story forward at a good pace. The plot is innovative and told with a steady hand. But I think the intricacies of the different financial... En lire plus

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