The Regiment - The Regiment - The True Story of the SAS Book 1 icon-player

The Regiment - The Regiment - The True Story of the SAS Book 1 icon-player

T1 The Regiment

Vincent Brugeas & Thomas Legrain 66 pages
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Toute la série - 3 tomes $20.97
Format numérique
$8.99 -Ajouter au panier
Format numérique
Toute la série - 3 tomes $20.97
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Toute la série - 3 tomes $20.97

Résumé de l'éditeur Cinebook

1941. Almost all of Europe is under the Nazi heel. Great Britain still holds out, but the situation worsens with every passing day. And in North Africa, gateway to the... En lire plus





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  • 19/12/2019



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Sa note:
If you're either a fan of history or simply love a comic involving very big irish men called paddy shooting Nazis, The Regiment could be the right comic for you. Written and illustrated by Vincent Brugeas the comic revolves around the forming and the creation of the British SAS which you may know from either pop culture or current events are an elite commando unit in the British military. Taking place in north Africa during the world war two the story revolves around the unit's early... En lire plus
“The SAS is an elite unit, forged in the desert through direct contact with the enemy. Your memoir writers and assorted armchair generals love this sort of pedantic declaration. But despite my Oxford education, I can’t stand this sort of horseshit. We created the SAS because we were young, reckless, and quite likely entirely crackers.”, David Stirling. Nutters, but arguably the best officers in the whole British Army. The mission is simple: sabotage, independence and fight like real commandos.... En lire plus

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