The Coyote and the Snake - The Coyote and the Snake icon-player

The Coyote and the Snake - The Coyote and the Snake icon-player

T0 The Coyote and the Snake

Matz & Xavier Philippe 146 pages
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Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

USA, 1970. Joe is driving his camper in the wide open spaces of the Wild West. He makes several acquaintances along the way: a small coyote, to start with, but also local thugs, F.B.I. agents, a U.S.... En lire plus


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  • 26/10/2022



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Joe is a former crime boss who started cooperating with the FBI, and he is now in the witness protection program. When another witness is killed Joe needs to testify again, but that is going to be a dangerous proposition for him. I enjoyed this book. Matz' story is solid and innovative and keeps the reader interested from start to finish. Joe is an interesting and a bit mysterious character, and he has some nice conversations with his coyote. That element of the story reminded me a bit of Jonas... En lire plus

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