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$17.97 Format numérique
$5.99 -Ajouter au panier
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À partir de 11.29$/mois
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$17.97 1917, East Africa. A German pastor—also a doctor, and married to a Frenchwoman—teaches his son Josef to fly the Albatros biplane he uses to visit his rural patients. But the war raging in Europe has...
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The Aviator, vol 1 is written by Jean-Charles Kraehn, with artwork by Erik Arnoux and Chrys Millien, and colors by Patricia Jambers. This story is a spin-off from Tramp, also written by Kraehn. It follows the pilot Tanguy Montval, first seen in Tramp, and chronicles his upbringing in East Africa. It takes places during the First World War, and Tanguy ends up involved in the war effort on the German side. I enjoyed this book. Kraehn showed that he's a great storyteller in Tramp, and he shows it...
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