Islandia - Islandia - Boreal Landing icon-player

Islandia - Islandia - Boreal Landing icon-player

T1 Islandia

Marc Védrines 54 pages
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Tome Islandia - Boreal Landing icon-link-to-serie Voir toute la série
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Toute la série - 3 tomes $17.97
Format numérique
$5.99 -Ajouter au panier
Format numérique
Toute la série - 3 tomes $17.97
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Toute la série - 3 tomes $17.97

Résumé de l'éditeur Cinebook

Sometime during the 1600s, Jacques, a young orphan from France, stows away aboard a fishing boat heading to Icelandic waters. Willing to brave the dangers and the rough... En lire plus




  • 1/3

Paru le

  • 21/11/2019



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Islandia, vol 1 is written and drawn by Marc Védrines, with Latitia Schwendimann as colorist. It's a story set in medieval times. A boy hides on the ship his uncle works on, and ends up on Iceland. I never really got into this story. It starts promising, but never really takes off after that. The boy, Jacques, doesn't have much of a personality. That's by design I guess, he's supposed to be mysterious. But that makes him come off as too bland and convoluted in my opinion. I also felt the... En lire plus

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