A Son of the Sun - A Son of the Sun A Son of the Sun icon-player

A Son of the Sun - A Son of the Sun A Son of the Sun icon-player

A Son of the Sun A Son of the Sun

Fabien Nury & Henninot Eric 79 pages
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Tome A Son of the Sun A Son of the Sun icon-link-to-serie Voir toute la série
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Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

Parlay is the French king of a dying island tribe and the father of the sublime Armande. He's selling his pearls, a fortune collected from his island's lagoon. The wealthiest traders in the Solomon... En lire plus

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  • 18/10/2017



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Sa note:
“How many millions David Grief was worth no man in the Solomons knew, for his holdings and ventures were everywhere in the great South Pacific. Unlike other white men in the tropics, he was there because he liked it. David Grief was a true son of the sun, and he flourished in all its ways", describes Jack London. Aboard his schooner or around a gambling table, the ruthless but upright businessman certainly has his own ways to deal with unpaid debt or unsaid news. When Old Parlay, a full-blooded... En lire plus

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