Man and Superwoman - Man and Superwoman Man and Superwoman icon-player

Man and Superwoman - Man and Superwoman Man and Superwoman icon-player

T0 Man and Superwoman

Meurisse Catherine 98 pages
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Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

"To philosophize is to learn to die," said Montaigne. But, faced with the vertiginous immensity of philosophy, sometimes we'd rather die than learn. In need of help? Trust Catherine Meurisse to... En lire plus



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  • 31/01/2024



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Sa note:
46 humorous philosophical sketches, each using an essential quotation to characterize and caricature famous philosophers (Plato, Thoreau, Kant, etc.), less famous philosophers (Husserl, Alain, Fénelon, etc.) or even philosophers who don't exist or who aren't philosophers at all (Ulysses, Don Juan, Proust, etc.). Surprisingly, Catherine Meurisse succeeds brilliantly in 1. entertaining 2. educating 3. expanding readers' vocabularies in all directions (Claire Bretécher would be proud) and, last... En lire plus

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