A Lapse in Judgment - A Lapse in Judgment A Lapse in Judgment icon-player

A Lapse in Judgment - A Lapse in Judgment A Lapse in Judgment icon-player

A Lapse in Judgment A Lapse in Judgment

Franck Biancarelli & Robert Denis 156 pages
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Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

Any resemblance to persons living or dead or actual events would be strangely coincidental... In a town in the east of France, Sylvestre Ruppert-Levansky, a president of the circuit court, begins his... En lire plus

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  • 22/01/2020



Modes de Lecture

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“We mistakingly believe that judges are exceptional men. Perhaps stronger, or more balanced. They’re certainly stronger. But I’m not sure about balanced. It did not take me long to realise I was deeply terrified of abandonment”. Judges have a deep understanding of the human mind, and “its state during the act of a murder”. Judges professionally put themselves in the shoes of the murderer. “By necessity, they are also killers”. By necessity? Thirty-two years earlier, the examining magistrate... En lire plus

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