My Boyfriend in Orange - My Boyfriend in Orange 3
My Boyfriend in Orange - My Boyfriend in Orange 3

T3 My Boyfriend in Orange

Non Tamashima 163 pages
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Tome My Boyfriend in Orange 3

Résumé de l'éditeur Kodansha

High school student Moe and firefighter Kyosuke have feelings for each other… too bad they can’t seem to be completely honest with each other about it! Moe and her gal... En lire plus




  • 3

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  • 27/02/2018



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Sa note:
My Boyfriend in Orange Vol 3 by Non Tamashima is a fantastic read about (Japanese) firefighters that takes you behind the scenes. We get a glimpse of their life and what is expected of them in their job and of them as people. I LOVE the group of firefighters we follow. They are all grown up men but they have their moments where they are like young boisterous teen boys that like showing off. They are an entertaining bunch! Sasaki and Ebihara had a fight so it's with hesitation that Sasaki... En lire plus