Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost - Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost 2
Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost - Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost 2

T2 Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost

Kaori Yuki 194 pages
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Tome Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost 2

Résumé de l'éditeur Kodansha

Lured by another one of Giselle’s false promises of friendship, Belle finds herself intruding on the Beast and one of the castle’s most closely guarded secrets: a... En lire plus




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  • 02/11/2021



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Sa note:
Ohohohohohoh I laugh while biting my nails in excitement. THIS IS ONE GOOD READ! Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost Vol 2 by Kaori Yuki is dark but has a sense of humour, and man, that curse is really manipulating and keeping you on your toes. I love the obsession with beauty in this story that makes it different from the original fairytale. In the original fairytale, the beast falls in love with Belle's beauty/kindness (those two things are always connected in fairytales) but in this story,... En lire plus