Sweat and Soap - Sweat and Soap 6
Sweat and Soap - Sweat and Soap 6

T6 Sweat and Soap

Kintetsu Yamada 194 pages
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Tome Sweat and Soap 6

Résumé de l'éditeur Kodansha

Despite all the anxieties and obstacles, Asako and Natori’s relationship has proven its staying power. Since deciding to move in together, they’ve found a home they... En lire plus




  • 6

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  • 01/06/2021



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In Sweat and Soap Vol 6 by Kintetsu Yamada, Asako and Natori are finally taking the leap to live together. Their cohabitation makes them learn new things not only about the other but about themself too. Psst, they have their first fight :O The Sweat and Soap Series by Kintetsu Yamada is cute, romantic, steamy at times and always funny and enjoyable! It's the best sort of read to relax with! If you are new to the Sweat and Soap Series, here's why it's such an awesome read. Normally in romances,... En lire plus