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$11.98 Format numérique
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$11.98 After a horrific battle in a mythical Asian land, a peasant soldier with a mysterious past encounters a young woman who has come to find the body of her dead fiancé. She is determined to travel to...
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The Mask of a Thousand Tears, vol 1 is written by David Chauvel, the artwork is done by Roberto Ali, with colors by Walter. The story is set in a fictional Asian country (very reminiscent of Japan), in a historical period far from ours. It's about a woman, Sadakyo, who loses her fiancé in battle, she teams up with a man named Masamura and sets out to find a mask that supposedly can bring her fiancé back to life. I ended up liking this book a lot. At first I was a bit hesitant, I felt the...
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