
In the hills of a former Comanche reservation, ex-soldier turned bounty hunter Pastorius Grant is tracking down a man and the $5,000 reward that goes with him, even if it means staving off his impending death. During his journey, he must contend with a pair of rivals hoping to catch the man first. To make things more complicated, the reservation isn't quite as abandoned as these bounty hunters thought it was. And nothing gets simpler when a child offers Grant another job consisting of avenging her father's murder. Mad dogs and raging storms don't lighten the mood, but they're the least of anyone's worries...

Trier par : Ancien

T0 Pastorius Grant


In the hills of a former Comanche reservation, ex-soldier turned bounty hunter Pastorius Grant is tracking down a man and the $5,000 reward that goes with him, even if it means staving off his impending death. During his journey, he must contend with a pair of rivals hoping to catch the man first. To make things more complicated, the reservation isn't quite as abandoned as these bounty hunters thought it was. And nothing gets simpler when a child offers Grant another job consisting of avenging her father's murder. Mad dogs and raging storms don't lighten the mood, but they're the least of anyone's worries...

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