Five women from various backgrounds are brought together by fate to fight as allies for their survival. A retired schoolteacher, an Indian who's handy with a bow, a young, immigrant widow from London, a brothel worker who's made off with the till and a fourteen-year-old slave who's been put in a cage. This unlikely band of adventurers must fight off the violence men resort to when caught in greed's ubiquitous grip. They'll do it with arrows, pies, brooms, pots, knitting-needles, and a lethal revolver that becomes even more dangerous in the hands of the sharpest-shooter of them all: a teenager who's been whipped, locked in a cage and freed only to fall victim to pneumonia. These women have got each other's backs and don't take kindly to the worst mankind has to offer.
T1 Ladies with Guns
Five women from various backgrounds are brought together by fate to fight as allies for their survival. A retired schoolteacher, an Indian who's handy with a bow, a young, immigrant widow from London, a brothel worker who's made off with the till and a fourteen-year-old slave who's been put in a cage. This unlikely band of adventurers must fight off the violence men resort to when caught in greed's ubiquitous grip. They'll do it with arrows, pies, brooms, pots, knitting-needles, and a lethal revolver that becomes even more dangerous in the hands of the sharpest-shooter of them all: a teenager who's been whipped, locked in a cage and freed only to fall victim to pneumonia. These women have got each other's backs and don't take kindly to the worst mankind has to offer.
T2 Ladies with Guns
A posse came after our five heroes, and all five escaped with their lives. The aftermath of the battle left Daisy homeless and the local undertaker with more work than he can handle. Now, holed-up and the worse for wear, they have to plan their getaway—but only after they make sure Daisy will survive her injuries. This second installment reveals some more of the ladies' past, as the present puts them to the test. Bounty hunters, makeshift surgery, fake (and real!) dynamite, stolen dresses, and borrowed guns: all part of the adventure as these Ladies with Guns forge ahead into an uncertain future.
T3 Ladies with Guns
Jailed! Four of our five ladies find themselves locked up in the penitentiary. Life in the big-house is already hard enough, but when you're four women in a men's prison, it gets so unbearably hard that there's no time to fool around—barely have they moved into their shared cell, and they're already planning their escape. Even in the highly-regimented world of incarceration, the ladies always make it unclear exactly who's in charge, who wields the power, and who is tilting one side or other of the scales of justice
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