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$8.99 Format numérique
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$8.99 The year is 1838. Louis Daguerre has just invented photography, and he is wondering: should he share it with the world, or keep it a secret? But the day a student from Greece helps to improve his...
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1838. Louis Daguerre disembarks on a small island in the Aegean Sea, carrying heavy clothes and a heavier crate. The trunk contains a daguerreotype, which its inventor secretly wants to present to an old friend. But Taki's house is all the way up, on top of the island... Meanwhile, Marko Gavras, Taki's apprentice, defends his bike, the vehicle of the future, against the postman who clearly doesn't trust technology and prefers his donkey :) /
After a series of adventures, Taki decides to entrust...
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