A total masterpiece, the Blacksad series follows the adventures of a charismatic private detective. Reminiscent of the great masters of the thriller genre, this modern classic is defined by its sublime drawings and a mastery of scenario that has made this graphic novel one of the biggest successes of its genre.
Blacksad - Special Edition: What's News
Extra, extra! Read all about it! Pick up a copy of “What’s News” for a behind-the-scenes look at the next volume of “Blacksad,” coming this fall. With revelations from the authors, a slew of investigative reporting, and a sneak peek of volume six, this special edition offers a can’t-miss preview of one of the most hotly anticipated titles of the year.
Blacksad is above all a comic book whose beautiful and precise design is easily recognizable. Human emotions are beautifully transcribed on animal faces. Moreover, the choice to use such animal to represent one precise character is far from being random! Each animal breed embodies a very particular human profile. Beyond the story that may seem a bit slow to pick up in the first volume, it is a real treat for the eyes I strongly recommend!