
"YOU DON'T KNOW THEM.  BUT YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON THEM.There are six of them, and they have never met each other.  But in a few weeks -- in every corner of the world -- six individuals will discover the vital link that connects them to their respective alter egos. It's a discovery that could change the destiny of the human race.  But the Simorg plan to retain control over this new power...TOGETHER, THEY WILL BRING THE TRUTH TO LIGHT !Each album can be read as the first piece of the puzzle :6 albums to read in the order you choose, leaving the reader at complete liberty to create his own journey through the story.A series conceived in the American style by a team of European creators. A style developed and refined in the Franco-Belgian adventure comics tradition.Season 01 :CAMILLE is a young woman from a wealthy family.  Upon her mother's death, she is charged with going into central Angola to find an eccentric individual who may or may not be her father.  But the encounter triggers an entirely different revelation – that of her alter ego, living on the other side of the world.PARK, a 25-year-old Korean, spends his time lazing about in a luxurious tropical residence, along with other people from diverse backgrounds, and a team of servants and caretakers to pamper them.  It is, simply, paradise.  But strange dreams are starting to trouble his happiness, like memories of another life.  One day, he decides not to drink the delicious fruit cocktail that is served to the residents in such abundance.  It is then that Park understands that he must escape.FOUAD is a Belgian nurse working for a humanitarian campaign.  But what if the super-rich foundation that employs him is using this campaign to hide another project – and the people of the third world are being used as guinea pigs in secret pharmaceutical experiments...?NOAH has everything going for him. And so he should : he is the son of the most powerful man on the planet – the President of the United States of America.  Nonetheless, Noah is in a critical condition, hovering between life and death, after a suicide attempt... Yet the people of Simorg predicted that he would be happy.JONAS AND JIMMY are twins with highly unusual psychic and telepathic powers.  They are employed by a certain Kaiji Urasawa, to locate specific people all over the planet.  The happy-go-lucky Jimmy is convinced that the work they do helps people, but Jonas seems to have something on his conscience.  Can he possibly hide his secret from a brother who can read his mind...?DARIUS is a cheerful, pot-bellied fellow, an electrician by trade.  He could live quite comfortably in his small apartment in Los Angeles, but instead he expends his time and energy trying to help Bram, his neighbor, an idiotic young troublemaker who's always getting himself into terrible situations.  Why does Darius do it ?  For the sake of Heather, Bram's kind and pretty girlfriend ?  Or because he's on a secret mission ?"

Trier par : Ancien

T2 Alter Ego


How does a volunteer for a humanitarian aid program turn into a terrorist? While Fouad, a Belgian nurse, is working for a humanitarian mission to stamp out AIDS in deepest darkest Columbia, he is witness to a kidnapping. A bit of delving soon leads him to fear the worst. What if the WWOA (World War on Aids), the world renowned foundation he's employed by, were using this admirable campaign to eradicate AIDS as a facade for another, much more sinister project? What if they were actually using the populations of developing countries as guinea pigs for pharmaceutical experiments? Fouad could just go on with his life as though he hadn't seen anything. That would probably be better for him. But that's just not really his style...

T3 Alter Ego


Darius is a rather paunchy electrician. He could lead the easy life in his little apartment in Los Angeles, but he's desperately trying to save Bram, the young hooligan drug addict who lives opposite. Why does Darius put himself through it? To fulfill a paternal need created by some personal tragedy? For the sake of Bram's girlfriend's nice eyes? Or has he perhaps been entrusted with some secret mission?

T4 Alter Ego


Park, a 25-year-old Korean man, basks in the sweet tropical sun of a luxury residence in the company of various other people of diverse backgrounds. They're all waited on hand and foot by a team of servants and carers. He spends most of his time with a couple of fun young women. It's paradise. But lately his blissful existence is punctuated with strange hallucinations, like memories of another life. Might this change in his state of mind be because he's stopped drinking the delicious fruit cocktails they keep serving up to all the residents? And what are they all doing here anyway? Can they really just be on permanent vacation? But then why are there all these railings and watchtowers?

T5 Alter Ego


Can power make you happy? Noah's got everything going for him: he's good-looking, smart, wealthy, arrogant and cynical. And he has every reason to be: he's the son of the most powerful man on the planet, the President of the United States. But right now, he's in a critical condition between life and death, following an attempt to take his own life. How did it get to this point? What's his connection to this pretty young woman that a psychic tells him is the love of his life?

T6 Alter Ego


Jonas and Jason are twin brothers gifted with extraordinary parapsychic powers. The pair of them are employed by a secret organization to locate certain people around the planet. Jonas, the more trusting of the two, is convinced that they're working for the benefit of these people, but Jason knows things his brother doesn't. Will he manage to keep his secret from a twin who can read his mind...?

T7 Alter Ego


The groundbreaking revelations that drew Camille and Miep together are yet to be fully brought to light. The two young women present an ultimatum to Urasawa and the billionaire Grynson. However, they fail to take into account the huge financial and logistical power at Urasawa's disposal, that is from now on inherently linked to Noah, son of the president of the United States, whether he likes it or not. Noah appears to have lost all reason, having become obsessed with the power and profit that U-Tech's findings could bring him. It's a disaster waiting to happen...

T9 Alter Ego


The revelation of the Alter Ego secret has shaken up the entire world population, that is now more or less divided into three categories: those who believe, those who don't, and those who've chosen sides for other reasons. This is the case of Delia, a high-flying lawyer who has decided to vehemently refute the Alter Ego theory. But behind her skepticism hides a secret wound, driving her forward...

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