In a dystopian not-too-distant future in Japan, Hiro lives with his father on an island populated by androids, where they eke out a meager existence while trying to keep out of sight. But when they run afoul of a troop of high-tech military thugs, Hiro's dad sacrifices himself to save his son, turning Hiro's already-bleak world upside-down. He is then rescued by a samurai robot called a "yojimbot," and together they seek to avenge his father's death and make contact with a mysterious associate known only as the "rights holder," before the soldiers and their drones close in... In a dystopian not-too-distant future in Japan, Hiro lives with his father on an island populated by androids, where they eke out a meager existence while trying to keep out of sight. But when they run afoul of a troop of high-tech military thugs, Hiro's dad sacrifices himself to save his son, turning Hiro's already-bleak world upside-down. He is then rescued by a samurai robot called a "yojimbot," and together they seek to avenge his father's death and make contact with a mysterious associate known only as the "rights holder," before the soldiers and their drones close in...
C1 Yojimbot
In a dystopian not-too-distant future in Japan, Hiro lives with his father on an island populated by androids, where they eke out a meager existence while trying to keep out of sight. But when they run afoul of a troop of high-tech military thugs, Hiro's dad sacrifices himself to save his son, turning Hiro's already-bleak world upside-down. He is then rescued by a samurai robot called a "yojimbot," and together they seek to avenge his father's death and make contact with a mysterious associate known only as the "rights holder," before the soldiers and their drones close in... In a dystopian not-too-distant future in Japan, Hiro lives with his father on an island populated by androids, where they eke out a meager existence while trying to keep out of sight. But when they run afoul of a troop of high-tech military thugs, Hiro's dad sacrifices himself to save his son, turning Hiro's already-bleak world upside-down. He is then rescued by a samurai robot called a "yojimbot," and together they seek to avenge his father's death and make contact with a mysterious associate known only as the "rights holder," before the soldiers and their drones close in...
C2 Yojimbot
In a dystopian not-too-distant future in Japan, Hiro lives with his father on an island populated by androids, where they eke out a meager existence while trying to keep out of sight. But when they run afoul of a troop of high-tech military thugs, Hiro's dad sacrifices himself to save his son, turning Hiro's already-bleak world upside-down. He is then rescued by a samurai robot called a "yojimbot," and together they seek to avenge his father's death and make contact with a mysterious associate known only as the "rights holder," before the soldiers and their drones close in... Hiro is still reeling from the loss of his father at the hands of the island's iron-fisted security forces. He finds a glimmer of hope, however, when he receives a message intended for his dad: someone is waiting for them across the island at a secure location. That might just be their ticket to freedom. But making it there will be no easy feat, with the authorities still hot on their trail. Fortunately, Hiro won't have to go it alone, escorted by a growing squad of valorous yojimbots.
C3 Yojimbot
Far from going it alone, Hiro is now in the protection of a trio of fearless and daring yojimbots as he tries to find his way off this forsaken island. The samurai robots have rallied to his cause as he tries to track down a mysterious “rights holder” who seems to be the key to the young boy’s salvation, following the death of his father. Together, Hiro and his entourage finally make it across the island to Tower 4, where their contact is said to be awaiting them. But the powers that be are not going to let them slip away quite so easily, leading to an epic confrontation with the deadliest robots the island has to offer. Will Hiro and the yojimbots be able to withstand one more attack, and locate the rights holder?
C1 Yojimbot
In a dystopian not-too-distant future in Japan, a boy takes on a robot army to regain his freedom—with the help of a few powerful friends.Young Hiro has been hiding out for months with the mysterious robot who saved him and his yojimbot companions from the vicious onslaught by Topu's drone army. But he can't stay hunkered down forever. He and his friends have to find a way out before the island's security forces close in, including a foe Hiro thought he'd seen the last of. The path ahead is full of danger, but freedom awaits Hiro at the end—as well as an earth-shattering revelation. Young Hiro has been hiding out for months with the mysterious robot who saved him and his yojimbot companions from the vicious onslaught by Topu's drone army. But he can't stay hunkered down forever. He and his friends have to find a way out before the island's security forces close in, including a foe Hiro thought he'd seen the last of. The path ahead is full of danger, but freedom awaits Hiro at the end—as well as an earth-shattering revelation.
C2 Yojimbot
In a dystopian not-too-distant future in Japan, a boy takes on a robot army to regain his freedom—with the help of a few powerful friends.Young Hiro has been hiding out for months with the mysterious robot who saved him and his yojimbot companions from the vicious onslaught by Topu's drone army. But he can't stay hunkered down forever. He and his friends have to find a way out before the island's security forces close in, including a foe Hiro thought he'd seen the last of. The path ahead is full of danger, but freedom awaits Hiro at the end—as well as an earth-shattering revelation. Hiro and his friends are on their way to the old port to try to find a way off the island. But they have to stay off the grid to avoid detection by the relentless Topu. Easier said than done when you're traveling with robots who need a charge. Fortunately, Hiro's band of yojimbots is continuing to grow, and he'll need every bit of help he can get as the enemy catches up to them once more...
C3 Yojimbot
In a dystopian not-too-distant future in Japan, a boy takes on a robot army to regain his freedom—with the help of a few powerful friends.Young Hiro has been hiding out for months with the mysterious robot who saved him and his yojimbot companions from the vicious onslaught by Topu's drone army. But he can't stay hunkered down forever. He and his friends have to find a way out before the island's security forces close in, including a foe Hiro thought he'd seen the last of. The path ahead is full of danger, but freedom awaits Hiro at the end—as well as an earth-shattering revelation. Once more, Hiro and his yojimbot companions are saved in the nick of time from the advancing drones by a resourceful robot whose real identity will stun everyone. They manage to push through together to the old port, only to find out it's not as abandoned as they thought. Will Hiro and his friends finally discover the truth behind their island prison? And most importantly, will they be able to make it back to the mainland in one piece?
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