In a dystopian not-too-distant future in Japan, Hiro lives with his father on an island populated by androids, where they eke out a meager existence while trying to keep out of sight. But when they run afoul of a troop of high-tech military thugs, Hiro's dad sacrifices himself to save his son, turning Hiro's already-bleak world upside-down. He is then rescued by a samurai robot called a "yojimbot," and together they seek to avenge his father's death and make contact with a mysterious associate known only as the "rights holder," before the soldiers and their drones close in... In a dystopian not-too-distant future in Japan, Hiro lives with his father on an island populated by androids, where they eke out a meager existence while trying to keep out of sight. But when they run afoul of a troop of high-tech military thugs, Hiro's dad sacrifices himself to save his son, turning Hiro's already-bleak world upside-down. He is then rescued by a samurai robot called a "yojimbot," and together they seek to avenge his father's death and make contact with a mysterious associate known only as the "rights holder," before the soldiers and their drones close in...
T3 Yojimbot
The situation looks grim for the Kotai family as the island falls under control of President Sutera and her mainland thugs. Hiro is gravely wounded and to save him, his mother turns herself in to the revenge-obsessed Kozuki, who hands her over to the president and Dr. Ka so they can extract her blood to steal shares of Kotai Corp. Meanwhile, the robot Sheru roams the island seeking a way to help young Hiro while mainland robots pursue him to extract his memory cell and destroy all evidence of the government's misdeeds on the island.
T3 Yojimbot
The situation looks grim for the Kotai family as the island falls under control of President Sutera and her mainland thugs. Hiro is gravely wounded and to save him, his mother turns herself in to the revenge-obsessed Kozuki, who hands her over to the president and Dr. Ka so they can extract her blood to steal shares of Kotai Corp. Meanwhile, the robot Sheru roams the island seeking a way to help young Hiro while mainland robots pursue him to extract his memory cell and destroy all evidence of the government's misdeeds on the island.
T3 Yojimbot
The situation looks grim for the Kotai family as the island falls under control of President Sutera and her mainland thugs. Hiro is gravely wounded and to save him, his mother turns herself in to the revenge-obsessed Kozuki, who hands her over to the president and Dr. Ka so they can extract her blood to steal shares of Kotai Corp. Meanwhile, the robot Sheru roams the island seeking a way to help young Hiro while mainland robots pursue him to extract his memory cell and destroy all evidence of the government's misdeeds on the island.
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