
Explore the greatest scientific breakthroughs of all time through the fascinating lives of the people who made them. Some are well known, such as Darwin, Einstein, and Da Vinci... Others are more obscure, like Van Leeuwenhoek, the draper who discovered microorganisms, and Alfred Wegener, the meteorologist who revealed continental drift. Combining incredible discoveries and amusing life stories, these 37 portraits of exceptional scientists will amaze you. Science is both a human and social adventure, and these geniuses from the days of antiquity to the present, whether behind the scenes or on the world stage, are the living proof.

Trier par : Ancien

T1 Planet of Science


Explore the greatest scientific breakthroughs of all time through the fascinating lives of the people who made them. Some are well known, such as Darwin, Einstein, and Da Vinci... Others are more obscure, like Van Leeuwenhoek, the draper who discovered microorganisms, and Alfred Wegener, the meteorologist who revealed continental drift. Combining incredible discoveries and amusing life stories, these 37 portraits of exceptional scientists will amaze you. Science is both a human and social adventure, and these geniuses from the days of antiquity to the present, whether behind the scenes or on the world stage, are the living proof.

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