
"An album in 3 parts recounting the wonderful adventures of Viola, a very unusual 12-year-old girl. Daughter of a stuntwoman and an insect tamer, Viola is truly full of surprises. Through the wanderings of the 'Moon Circus' at the end of 1800, Viola travels Europe, America and Asia. During her travels she runs into all sorts of magic and intrigue. Astounded by the beauty of the world around her, Viola is sensitive to the arts that compound her daily existence: music, painting, drawing, nature, and many more... Accompanied by her animal friends (Sinbad the gibbon and her father's insects), and also by the circus family, Viola goes on to meet Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, and later Antonin Leopold Dvorak. A real coming-of-age story in which art and beauty are celebrated on every page. Packed with fantasy and charming humor."

Trier par : Ancien

T1 Globetrotting Viola


The first chapter of the series takes place in Paris. Viola, the young protagonist, is divided between her free life in the circus and her duty at school. But Paris is the city of beuty and art, and soon she will make an encounter with a special person!

T2 Globetrotting Viola


The second chapter of the series is settled in America. Viola have to deal with clandestins in the circus, but will also make new acquaintances and learn to admire and respect the beauty and majesty of nature.

T3 Globetrotting Viola


The third and final chapter of the series sees our circus on the route to Himalaya to honour the passing will of grandad Tenzin, a special person for everyone. An old life is about to go, a new one is coming.

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