In Memoriam - In Memoriam 1. Manon icon-player

In Memoriam - In Memoriam 1. Manon icon-player

T1 In Memoriam

Mathieu Salvia & Djet 75 pages
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Tome In Memoriam 1. Manon icon-link-to-serie Voir toute la série
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Toute la série - 2 tomes $18.98
Format numérique
$8.99 -Ajouter au panier
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Toute la série - 2 tomes $18.98

Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

Paris was a world capital of the magical arts until a mysterious explosion brought the era of wizardry and relics to an end. Now a girl lost in the magic-deformed hot zones may be the only one with... En lire plus


  • 1/2

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  • 27/09/2023



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Sa note:
Manon and her girlfriend Mila are in love, despite their tiny Parisian nest requiring magical extensions (their kitchen is in Bombay, their toilet God knows where). They’re also cops, and have to control the anti-magic crowds (who, like true fundamentalists, fear the unknown and try to prohibit the use of magic for everybody, not just for their little sect). It’s a world where magic and science work together (for example, to help Mila get pregnant) - and, unbeknownst to them, a world on the... En lire plus

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