The Loneliness of the Abyss - The Loneliness of the Abyss The Loneliness of the Abyss icon-player

The Loneliness of the Abyss - The Loneliness of the Abyss The Loneliness of the Abyss icon-player

T0 The Loneliness of the Abyss

Kourtis Nikolas & Vanellis Dimitris 72 pages
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Tome The Loneliness of the Abyss The Loneliness of the Abyss icon-link-to-serie Voir toute la série
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Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

When the good ship St. Nicholas sailed from the port of Piraeus, none among its crew knew this trip would be their last. Nor could anything have prepared them for the nightmarish creature that rose... En lire plus



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  • 29/11/2023



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Sa note:
“There was no peace for Alexander the Great even after he conquered the world. Immortality was his ultimate prize…” and he got it, bringing a jug of pure water from the lake of the Eternal Waters. But her sister drank the water, and became immortal instead of him. Despairing and driven mad by guilt, she asked the gods to never let her see him die; so the cruel gods turned her into a behemoth gorgon wandering the seas… / “Loneliness of the abyss” is a chilling nautical horror inspired by Greek... En lire plus

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