Karmen - Karmen: Part 2 icon-player

Karmen - Karmen: Part 2 icon-player

T2 Karmen

March Guillem 65 pages
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Tome Karmen: Part 2 icon-link-to-serie Voir toute la série
$8.99 Format numérique
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$8.99 Format numérique
Toute la série - 2 tomes $17.98
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Toute la série - 2 tomes $17.98
Format numérique
$8.99 -Ajouter au panier
Format numérique
Toute la série - 2 tomes $17.98
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Toute la série - 2 tomes $17.98

Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

This is a graphic novel about death and suicide... but not in the way you think. It's about death that can be reversible, when and if the right angels are looking. The dead person here is Catalina, a... En lire plus



  • 2/2

Paru le

  • 17/06/2020



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Sa note:
If you didn't read volume one before reading this review, please go and read it. The story works even if it's spoiled, but it works much much better if you just dive in. If you already read the first volume, you'll just want to read this anyway... but, yes, there IS a happy ending. Of sorts :) Stars: 5 En lire plus

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