
"He's got a yellow shirt and a red neckerchief, unruly locks and a sprig of grass in his mouth. He maintains law and order at the Nothing Gulch School, and he runs faster than his shadow as soon as there's even the slightest hint of chores to be done. It's Kid Lucky, a young cowboy knee-high to a grasshopper, always ready to discover the customs of the Wild West, and, most of all, to muck about with his buddies. This is the birth of a legend: the greatest (but still quite small) cowboy of the Wild West!"

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T1 The Adventures of Kid Lucky by Morris


He's got a yellow shirt and a red neckerchief, unruly locks and a sprig of grass in his mouth. He maintains law and order at the Nothing Gulch School, and he runs faster than his shadow as soon as there's even the slightest hint of chores to be done. It's Kid Lucky, a young cowboy knee-high to a grasshopper, always ready to discover the customs of the Wild West, and, most of all, to muck about with his buddies. This is the birth of a legend: the greatest (but still quite small) cowboy of the Wild West! In this first album, Kid Lucky learns his very first cowboy lessons.

T2 The Adventures of Kid Lucky by Morris


He's got a yellow shirt and a red neckerchief, unruly locks and a sprig of grass in his mouth. He maintains law and order at the Nothing Gulch School, and he runs faster than his shadow as soon as there's even the slightest hint of chores to be done. It's Kid Lucky, a young cowboy knee-high to a grasshopper, always ready to discover the customs of the Wild West, and, most of all, to muck about with his buddies. This is the birth of a legend: the greatest (but still quite small) cowboy of the Wild West! In this second album, Kid Lucky learns more cowboy lessons.

T3 The Adventures of Kid Lucky by Morris


Kid Lucky loves to have fun—he plays lacrosse, builds tree houses, puts on magic shows, and races frogs. As if having fun doesn't keep him busy enough, he's also got chores to do, baths to take, math problems to solve, and a girl to ask to a dance. Daily life is always interesting in Kid's little Texas town—he meets some mighty fascinating critters there, and some of the most fascinating ones walk on two legs.

T4 The Adventures of Kid Lucky by Morris


Sometimes you don't get what you want for Christmas. Sometimes the girl you fancy gets another date to the dance. Sometimes, despite warnings from your parents, you want to see what it's like to smoke a pipe. The pleasures—and perils—of childhood come alive with an Old-West flavor in another round of adventures with Kid Lucky and his pals in Nothing Gulch. Saddle up, cowboys in training, and discover a world of stagecoaches and smoke signals, train tracks and cowboy coffee, outlaws and Neanderthals, as the luckiest kid in the West faces life on the prairie.

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