Ona, a young Glimmer who has mastered the powers of nature, lives in a distressed world where the Gloom is destroying all living organisms. Separated from her clan and far from the island which was once her home, she is the only one who can combat the Gloom and make her world safe again. Along the way, she meets various creatures that impact her journey, including Dini, a young bat with mysterious powers...
T1 Tales of Ona
Ona, a young Glimmer who has mastered the powers of nature, lives in a distressed world where the Gloom is destroying all living organisms. Separated from her clan and far from the island which was once her home, she is the only one who can combat the Gloom and make her world safe again. Along the way, she meets various creatures that impact her journey, including Dini, a young bat with mysterious powers...
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