Memories from the Civil War - Memories from the Civil War icon-player

Memories from the Civil War - Memories from the Civil War icon-player

T1 Memories from the Civil War

Richard Marazano & Jean-Michel Ponzio 58 pages
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$5.99 Format numérique
Toute la série - 3 tomes $17.97
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Toute la série - 3 tomes $17.97
Format numérique
$5.99 -Ajouter au panier
Format numérique
Toute la série - 3 tomes $17.97
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Toute la série - 3 tomes $17.97

Résumé de l'éditeur Cinebook

In a not-so-distant future, mankind’s greed and short-sightedness have exhausted the planet. The vast majority of the population lives in misery among the ruins of... En lire plus




  • 1/3

Paru le

  • 18/09/2020



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Memories from the Civil War, vol 1 is written by Richard Marazano, with artwork by Jean-Michel Ponzio. It takes place in a future where small elites are gathered in enclaves around the world, these elites are protected from the rest by armed soldiers. A group of those soldiers are at the center of this story. I feel like this book didn't go all the way for me. There's a lot of explaining going on throughout the story, but this future world still feels somewhat vague. I didn't really get a good... En lire plus

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